Happy Camper March 2020

Published on Mar 18, 2020

Welcome to Happy Camper 2020. This issue of Butler RV Center’s Happy Camper covers topics related to winter camping and brief summary of the recent Pittsburgh RV Show. So like a snowbird at the first sign of a blizzard, LETS GO!

Tech Tips

Infamous Norm

The one and only Norm, gives a quick video on how to dewinterize. He first suggests to familiarize yourself with your RV, and then start your process.


Murphy Ladder

If you love a good Murphy Bed, then check out this Murphy Ladder. It’s compact, portable and easy to use. Head on over to murphyladder.com to watch a video on how it works.

Muprhy Ladder

Virtual Visor

A gadget that hasn’t been released yet, but a huge jump forward in sun visors. The Bosch Virtual Visor stays relatively clear while shading just the part of sun glare in your eyes. The technology recognizes eyes, for shading and measures light glare to block just what is needed. I can’t wait for this tech to be released to the general public.

Tips, Tricks & Etiquette

Campground Etiquette

  1. Don’t park right next to someone if there are plenty of spots open. When possible leave as much space between you and the next camper. 
  2. Respect people’s campsite. It’s tempting to cut through someone else’s campsite or to let your pet free roam, but it’s not considerate to the other campers. Often they are sitting outside enjoying nature or have their pet with them. Sometimes these people and fur friends aren’t friendly and it’s best to stay clear, unless invited in. 
  3. Being too loud. If you have a pet that is more verbal do your best to keep the calm and quiet. Remember, other campers may have come to the campground to enjoy some quiet time, so please respect that. This also goes for people, review your campgrounds policy on quiet hours and make sure to abide by those. 
  4. Clean up after yourself. This goes for pets, remnants and trash. Don’t use your fire ring as a trash barrel. Instead walk it out to the dedicated trash receptacle.

How to Make the Bed (tips from the internet)

Full disclosure, we didn’t test any of these tips and you can try at your own risk. It is fun to hear how other people deal with this eternal RV frustration!

  • Pull the mattress as far down as you can get it, put the fitted part of sheet on, slide back up and finish making the bed per normal. One person said this was still difficult but reduced her overall cussing.
  • Secure pipe insulation all around base plywood. This makes it easier to shift the mattress and protects your knees.
  • Attempt to make bed for 30 minutes, and then throw a sleeping bag on it.
  • Adult beverage before, during and after.
  • Use flat sheets, easier to tuck in and not wrestling the mattress like an alligator.
  • Get a bed tucker. No idea how it works, but one user said its helpful. They also recommended a mattress lifter.

  • Get zippered fitted sheets. Interesting, but you could buy alot of booze for the cost of a starter pack. Go to quickzipsheet.com for more.

If you have any tips to share then drop us a line and we’ll update the list.